Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ya me cansé!‏

November 21, 2011
Hello hello, family and friends...
How are you all doing? I hope that you are doing well, especially Sean and Brittany, that should be moving into their new house tomorrow me parece, congrats! That's really cool, although I'm sure mom will be crying like a baby what with her little grandchildren out of the house.
Anyway, the week we've had has been generally normal, but we continue to find really good people. This last week we were walking down the street talking about something and this woman was coming up, I almost continued the conversation with my companion rather than contact her, but something told me I should. So, I introduced myself, we testified and asked where she lived so we could pass by (not in a creepy way, in a missionary way!^^), and she told us and asked US if we could come by the next day around 4. So, we agreed of course, because we love when the people we contact set up appointments with us rather than the other way around.
Well, the next day rolled on up or some sort of English saying like that to imply that the day came quickly, and we went to her home, and she was there and let us in! Which, by the way, is also rare with contacts, so now we had 2 signs that she was good.
So we started getting to know her a bit, and it turns out that she lives in this apartment with her year and a half old daughter, and her husband. Now, many times when they SAY husband, they just mean like... The father of my child/guy that lives with me. So, with a little tactical prying, we find out that they were actually married legally, another rare and awesome sign of being ready to progress.
Well, we started teaching her and got to talk about prophets of old times when I asked her, ''Fernanda, for you, would it be important to have a prophet today, in these times?'' or something along those lines, if I'm translating right. But she replied with, ''Of course! I don't see why there isn't. These days we need one more than ever!'' And so, with that, we taught about the great apostasy of the church (including prophets, apostles, and the authority or priesthood), and got to the restoration.
After telling the story of Joseph Smith, my companion and I testified strongly that it was true, and I asked her, ''Now Fernanda, we know it my be hard for you to believe just the testimony of my companion and I, but how do you think you CAN come to know of the truth of these things?'' To which she replied that she already believed it, because she knew what we were saying had to be true and that there had to be a prophet today, because God didn't just stop loving us, so why would he stop sending prophets?
We were surprised at her obviously huge amount of faith, but proceeded to talk about the Book of Mormon and prayer. She accepted the Book of Mormon happily, and promised to read and pray about it, AND go to church. We had her offer the closing prayer, set up another appointment, and left VERY happy and surprised.
It's just amazing how many people there are out here prepared for us and for the gospel. Of course, she came to church yesterday, even though it was far because it was stake conference, but she went and liked it, and we'll be seeing her tonight. We're both super excited for her, and she already has a baptismal date which she accepted for the 3rd of December (forgot to mention that we taught that too, whoops!).
Anyway though, our mission president came to the stake conference and spoke as well about how the members of the church have just as big a part in missionary work as missionaries. He shared the story of Alma, how he goes to preach to the people of Amonniah who are VERY unrighteous, and he gets rejected by himself. Then, he gets sent back and, with the help of a native of the city with plenty of reputation, Amulek, he is able to win over the hearts of many.
I've seen how it's like that here too. We, as missionaries, are foreigners, strangers, and we don't speak perfectly. And although we may be able to help people gain a testimony once we're in their homes teaching them, it's SO much quicker and easier with a member. Someone that is a native here, that relates to the investigator, and that can add yet another testimony that the things we teach are true.
I really liked that, because I'd never thought about the story of Alma and Amulek that way, but it's true. Alma, as powerful and spiritual he was, as a prophet of the Lord, even HE needed a little member help, as we do today.
So, my invitation for this week is for my family and friends that are already members to go and get helping! Invite people to hear the missionaries, or at least talk a bit about the church, maybe bear a little testimony, invite to church on Sundays, etc. And those who aren't members that get this email, well... Listen to the missionaries! =P
But anyway, so the week was very enjoyable, but I guess I should get going, I'm going to try to write some letters today, so we need to get back home soon.
I love you all!
Elder DeFreese


Um, the computer is loading super slow, so you'll all have to wait a week for pictures, sorry!

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