Monday, January 14, 2013

The Weekly Semana‏

November 12, 2012
Let's get into the week!

This week was pretty interesting, we've been learning to speak some pretty interesting languages of love and such. Haha, it's all going well in the zone. 
This week we started out on Tuesday with a meeting with the stake presidency and with President Lopez, where we had a few subjects and ideas prepared to improve the missionary work and our relationship with the members here, which went pretty well.
We're all on the same page and getting things going here, so it's all good! 
Then we had our district class, which went well, afterward we got to work with everything going normal!
A little bit into the week, we were having some difficulties and we didn't really know what to do about it, so we were just working our hardest and seeing what would happen. Then, on Friday we did splits with Elder Beckert (the new gringo here) and his comp., Elder Villegas. So that day we talked about a lot of things and prayed hard (Elder Beckert and I) to have success and to find people to teach that day.
So, we went to this place named Huehueymico that's just a little farming town type of place about 20 minutes away in car, and we searched out a couple of the referrals we had there. We had some amount of success with them and everything was looking well, but we still didn't have anybody that was really really ready to accept the gospel. Then, as we were heading out of Huehueymico, we passed by a member's house. As I was passing, I was looking at the house to see if Sister Lupita was home to wave to her as I passed, but didn't see anyone. 
''Oh well! Later I'll say hi'', I thought, continuing the walk about a half-block past her house. Then, I felt that we should visit her. I didn't know why, but I checked my watch, and seeing that we had about an hour until we had to be back in Teziutlán (well, really Chignaulingo, but it's part of Teziutlán...), we went back to her house and knocked. Some young woman that I hadn't met answered the door, and after asking if Sister Lupita was home and doing a little investigating, I found out that she was Sister Lupita's niece, who happened to have moved in with her recently, who had gone to church and liked it before, and who had a very big question for us... ''Why are there so many religions, shouldn't there be just one, if there's only one God?''.
Well, I just love that question, because it sets up everything for the restoration. So we taught her right then and there and commited her for baptism for the 18th of this month. She went to church yesterday and enjoyed it and is getting prepared for this Sunday. 
So yeah, it was a really cool experience.
Anyway though, I'm running low on time so I have to go, I love you all!
Elder DeFreese

1. Elder Villegas with some feet problems gets checked out by Sister Lopez before the district class. (they came to talk with the stake presidency with my comp. and I about the missionary work here in Teziutlán)
2. The view from our balcony here in Teziutlán. The graveyard there looks pretty crazy when there's fog!

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