Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What happens in Tajín...‏

March 5, 2012

Is sent to family and friends through email with pictures!
Tajín is this ruin filled place nearby the house here in Poza Rica, and (most of) the zone went today for a little activity of site seeing. It was really cool.
Buuut yeah! This week there isn't much time to write for all of our tourism and such, but this past week has been good and this one should be even better! I'm doing super, but getting a little sick of my giant shirts and pants. I look like a clown preaching the gospel! Haha no, not that bad, but we'll see what I do about that. Some sisters in the ward might be able to do a quick tailoring job or something.
Other than that... Let's see... Well, this week was another week of some trials, but we've been working a lot more with members and we've got 11 references we received in the week, and today and tomorrow we should be contacting almost all of them that we hadn't been able to, bringing along the same members that gave us the references. Oh yeah, you guys up there say referrals. Forgive my spanish influenced mission slang.
What else, what else...
We're going to be looking for a lot of new people this week, because we've been really trying hard with people we already had when I got here that are just super ready for baptism, but for problems with parents, desire, commitment, etc., just haven't been able to follow through with baptism, aaand we're going to have to start looking for more people. A lot more. We will still visit these people sometimes, because you never know when the Lord will work a miracle and they're ready, but we will be focusing lots more on working with members, including doing splits with them and not just getting referrals, and finding lots of new people.
Those are our goals, and that's what's up! Love you all a ton, sorry for the short email, more next week, that's a PROMISE!
Elder DeFreese

1-4: Hanging out in Tajín! Yeeeaaahh! I would give more descriptions of the pictures, but I forget in which order they're loading. =)
5: So one of the first days I was here in Poza Rica, we went to eat at this one sister's house, but she'd forgotten that it was her turn to feed us, so she gave us what she had. Which were a bunch of these things in sauce and onion and other stuff with tortillas. We didn't know what it was (my companion is Mexican, and when they told us the name, he'd never even heard of it), so we ate a lot of it. It tasted alright, and I knew I must have been eating something weird, but in the sauce and everything else it didn't look or taste too bad. Then, we went to a different sister's house to eat recently and she mentioned the same thing, and showed us what it looks like without sauce, just straight from being cleaned. Yeah, then she explained that it's the part before the intestines where all the poo gathers to get ready to head out. Mmmm! Needless to say, we didn't ask her to prepare us some this time. =P
6: Nope, despite what this looks like, I will not be eating those again. I hope. Haha

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