Monday, January 14, 2013

The Weekly Semana‏

August 20, 2012
What an exciting week with all the news, I'm super excited for all the people going on missions now, including my little brother Jordan, going to INDEPENDANCE MISSOURI! Holy cow! All the church history! Wooh!
Super super exciting, and I'm happy to hear it. A little sad to know that I won't see my brother for another couple years, but we'll be together in the Lord's work for a few months still, which is really special and I wouldn't trade that for the world.
Anyway though, as for how things our down here in San Juan, they go well! This week we had some interesting days for sure. On Tuesday President López came to our district class and said that he liked a lot the way I taught about how to work with the members and the new formula for missionary work here in the mission and all that, so it was good. The weird thing was that I'm comfortable now. I didn't really get nervous at all with President López, Elder Holland (assistant to the pres.) and his companion Elder Marín there. It was actually nice because I felt like it was an extra support of the new spirit of the mission, and to have the very leader that received the revelation present while I was explaining it to my fellow missionaries was more than enough support for me.
Then, the other days we had some interesting times running far and wide to find referrals that the members had given us with a few challenges and things there, seeing as how our area is really big and sometimes people aren't home, but it was a good week in spite of that.
We did have a cool experience with some new people. Remember Didier from the picture last week of his baptism? Well, in the picture (don't remember if I sent the picture with the whole family), there were three cousins and his aunt that went. We had a really cool experience in the baptism with them that I'm sure I mentioned, and when we went to visit them this week, they were all really excited and very attentive (if that's a word...). Actually, when we invited them all to baptism, they all accepted and Blanca (Didier's aunt) told us that her daughter had already told her after the baptism that she wanted to be baptized too! Haha so it's looking like this family is all getting pretty excited with the church and all. I'm sure there will be trials and all, and there's never an easy moment, but with faith and a lot of effort, we should be seeing another picture soon like the one from last week, but with Didier in normal clothes and the other four in white. =D
Then on Friday night they asked us to prepare talks for Sunday in the ward, and I told them that it was possible that we would do splits and one would go to Altotonga, our other ward, for the services seeing as how we had some investigators that said they would be going there. But I told them that if that was the case, whoever stayed would just talk long enough for the both of us. Usually they only give us 7 or 8 minutes and it's REALLY hard not to take more time, but this time was funny.
Well, my companion went to Altotonga and I stayed in the ward, and as I was up on the stand to bless the sacrament, I was looking through my talk as well and decided to take out a lot of parts, scratching them out with my pen, seeing as how I had again prepared a talk WAY longer than the amount of time they'd given me. Well, after that, sacrament meeting started and we had the sacrament, and then they announced the speakers. First, Paula (a young woman of the ward), second, Leslhey (another young woman), and finally, me.
Well Paula got up looking a little nervous but gave a really good talk. A 3 minute talk, but it was good. =) Then, Leslhey got up and gave a 7 or 8 minute talk, which was really good and impressed me a lot. But during that time, I looked at the clock and realized that with such a small ward, sacrament had only lasted about 5 minutes, and the meeting wasn't even halfway through yet, and I was next! So, I pulled out my agenda and replaced the scripture references I was going to use, and then got up there at about 12:25. Well, I shared a lot of scriptures, gave personal experiences, testimonies, and commitments to the ward so that we could all be better ''examples of the believers'', which was my topic.
When I sat down, it was about 12:50 pm, and we were able to go straight to the closing hymn and prayer. It was a pretty fun experience and I've really surprised myself at just how much I can talk about the gospel with passion and not need to write down anything more than some scripture references! The mission is such a great, life changing experience. I have been loving and continue to love it, and will continue to love it to the end and for the rest of my life. It was a pretty special Sunday.
Well well, time to go, but I love you all and I hope you enjoyed reading a little tiny bit of all the many things that happen in these happy days of the mission!
Love you all,
Elder DeFreese

1. Wooh! The package from Uncle Chris got here! Loovin' it! Or... Should I say that we loved it... That's the last bag. =P
2. Tlayoyos! These are like... Hmm...Like bready tortilla thingies with a pea mush filling thingy and sauce and cheese. I dunno how to describe it, but they're the size of my hand and cost 2 pesos each (about 15 cents probably?)
3. I decided to also ask for a quesadilla that has sausage, steak, something like bacon, cheese, nopales (ask Adam, but I dunno if they eat them up north), and other things with more cheese and sauce! Mmmmm. 15 pesos and the size of my head. =D

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