Wednesday, January 9, 2013


February 27, 2012
Alright, let's dig in,
So this week was pretty cool I guess, a little challenging and interesting, but cool. Firstly, on Tuesday I taught my first District Class on diligence and obedience, with a few other things thrown in. It went really good, our district consists of myself and my companion (duh!), Elder Zaragoza, who goes home in the beginning of May, and his ''son'' of the mission Elder Dalton, then Elder Thomson who has 18 months in the mission, and his mission ''son'', Elder Eastmond. I wanted to take a picture of all of us, but I forgot to! Whoops. That'll be coming soon, no worries.
But anyway, the class went really well and we enjoyed learning from each other, but of course as seems always to happen when we talk about diligence, the day or week that follows is a real big test to see if we really learned or not. So the whole district had a bit of a tough week, but put in practice especially diligence, and saw a lot of big blessings near the end of the week. But now I'm getting ahead of myself, let me back up..
So then on Thursday we did splits with the zone leaders and I went to their area with Elder Ioane (Samoan, but from Utah) and Elder Harmon (from Idaho) came to our area with Elder Chavez. That went pretty well and I enjoyed learning a lot from Elder Ioane.
Then, after that I did splits on Friday with Elder Zaragoza and his mission son went with my companion (we got it authorized so that I could get to know Elder Zaragoza better). That went well. When we started out with me being his district leader, he seemed not to like the idea much and a little rebellious, but when we went on splits it helped a lot and now we get along and when I call him we joke around more and everything, so you could say it went well. I was also able to interview one of their investigators for baptism there in the little city of Alamo, and he passed! Wooh! He is a really great guy named Santiago and super ready to progress in life through baptism. Well, then on Sunday he got baptized, which is sweet, and... Yeah!
We're struggling some with getting people to church still and it's really hard to see that now that I have to be a leader and be an example, when I don't have success I feel really bad, but I just pick myself up again and start over. So, this week we're going to be working a lot more with members, and I'm sure I'll be reporting an awesome week next Monday. Not to say that this week wasn't awesome, it was really cool, but it'll be even better next week. Eh? Haha
Anyway though, I don't know what more to say, it seems like I have less and less time to write every week, but I sure love you all and hope you're doing fantastic!
Elder DeFreese

1. Me in a store called Waldo's on Monday last week after writing, we found CAP'N CRUNCH AND MOUNTAIN DEW! Two very rare items here. I only bought the Cap'n Crunch, but yeah.
2. Elder Zaragoza hitchhiking. When we did splits, the buses that supposedly pass every 30 minutes didn't pass for about 2 hours, so we resolved to desperate measures... Haha but eventually we got to his area, no big deal.

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