Monday, January 7, 2013

Este Semana

April 8, 2011
Well, I'm going to jump right in and hurry through this, because for dumb reasons I have lost some crucial minutes already. It's all good though, I don't think the timing will be this harsh in the field. Hopefully^^

Conference weekend! Was great. I loved it. We watched all of the sessions of conference in this big room where we do devotionals and things and they had giant projecters and like 15 tv's closer up front. Anyway, it was really great. I got sooo much added to my "small plates", bishop Olson should be happy to hear*. But yeah, it was really good. There were some annoyances with other missionaries (all of them) saving their seats in between sessions when we were specifically told to take our stuff and NOT save our seats, so we had to fidget through some uncomfortable hours on the bleachers a bit, but it was all good. And everyone was pretty much on the main food schedule, so there were 2000 missionaries trying to eat within about 45 minutes, which was... Interesting, but I'm through with it, esta bien!

Between sessions we did whatever studying we could and then went back to get seats about an hour before each session.

Oh, and for our last devotional, an elder in our district saw when he was practicing for choir "Elder Oaks" pop up on screen for a second in the big room where the devotionals are held. So anyway, he told our entire zone (but nobody else, so we could get seats) that it was Dallin H. Oaks, which... It wasn't^^

But I didn't let that get me down, he (Elder Oaks, just not the "Dallin H." kind) started out with a powerful testimony and got emotional about how strong he felt the spirit in the MTC. Well, that got my attention and respect right away. So I listened as I should and I got over 4 pages of notes, it was probably the best devotional we've had since getting here. I asked an Elder from another district in our zone what he got, and he said less than a page because he was still so disappointed that it wasn't the apostle Elder Oaks. Just goes to show that attitude is everything. I'll definitely share some major points of these awesome devotionals in letters and things, but for now let me just say that I'm excited for Jordan and Braden. I may not have gotten an apostle in all my 7 and a half weeks here, and with only one more chance to get one, but I know that the people called to speak are called of God. These things are amazing and the spirit really is strong here. Actually, 2 or 3 of the seventies we've had were in conference just now, I'll let you know which ones later. They're great.

On to other things...

Scout camp sounds stressful dad, I'm sorry. It sure makes me appreciate you and all the other leaders I've had before you though. The more I serve and learn about those who serve above me, the more I realize how much I've put people through in my younger days (and still put people through now), and they've treated me so well. I really look up to you, Dad, you're working hard and doing something great. I know that the boys look up to you in our ward, and you're an awesome leader for them.

Okay, now something near and dear to my heart... Food!

Mom, thank you SO much for the breakfast cake. It was perfect, and it was delicious. I shared some with my teacher, Hermano Aldrich, and he absolutely loved it. I had to keep nagging him to get him to try it, because he doesn't like taking from the "precious love" that we receive in the MTC or whatever it was he said, but I made him try it eventually. I shared all of it with my district and with others in the zone that night, I got a good 2 pieces myself, and everyone absolutely loved it. Seriously, there were some really high praises thrown to you, momma. Well done^^

I loved Richard G. Scott's talk as well. It was kind of funny that a lot of General Conference was about marriage and stuff, when we're all at this point in our lives where we are old enough and mature enough to appreciate the sentiments, but being on missions, can't get married at all for a while yet^^ Haha but it was cool to hear from Elder Scott about his wife. He's a really romantic man, I had no idea. That's the kind of husband I want to be someday, he's pretty inspiring.

Oh, the memory card, by the way. It's 4 GB, mom^^ So maybe have Sean or Dad explain why it'd probably be impossible for me to fill it up in the MTC thus far. But I've got a good 130 pictures or so, and I'll be sure to send it home before I'm gone to Mexico. Which means I might have to send it today. Hmm... We'll see!

Speaking of Mexico, I think I have the address somewhere in my room. So I'll just send that in the letter(s) I send today and if you could just send an email to the list of people that get this with that address, that'd be good.

About calling from the airport, since I have my travel plans now, I do know that I have a 3 hour layover in Houston, and I've been told by most people that we can call home, so I'll just call mom's cell around 2 or 3 or something in the afternoon. I'll solidify these plans in my next email for the last P-Day in the MTC next Friday.

About Jordan asking someone to prom. Nice! Well done! What'd you do? Who'd you ask? Not that I'd know her, but who knows, maybe I'll marry her when I get home. HA! I think it's nuts how most RM's marry girls just out of high school. I don't want to do that. But well, what choice do you have in Utah? Haha okay, enough joking.

So anyway, I have two minutes left.

This is a lot of English, today and tomorrow my companion and I are speaking straight Spanish, so it's weird switching to English for email. Anyway though, I actually have like a minute and a half left and don't know what to say for once!

Well I love you all, that's for sure. My days get really happy when I receive dearelders and such. There's one elder in our district that gets like 5 dearelders and a package a day, which is annoying, so it's nice to hear from you when I do! =P

Much love.

Elder DeFreese


*So tell him when you see him. =)

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