Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Día de los Muertos!‏

October 31, 2011
Happy halloween, everyone!
Now that I got that out of the way,
This week... Well, it's been interesting I guess. Found a lot of new people, had to stop visiting a lot of old people, and we had an investigator at church! She's really nice and funny and seems to be enjoying our visits and everything. She was only able to make it to sacrament meeting, but that's pretty good considering she works night shifts in this popular restaurant, and gets home at about 6 in the morning.
Anyway, not too much new stuff is going on, although we taught our convert Ivonne how to bake cookies the other day, so that we can do an activity with hopefully lots of investigators and ward members learning the magic of chocolate chip cookies. We were luckily able to find all the ingredients necessary, and now pretty much whenever she's on the food list for where we go to eat, we'll probably have cookies. YES! My companion and I are pretty happy about that.
We're starting to see minor changes in the ward, starting with this next week finally we'll have a first counselor in the bishopric that is actually active, and from there things will be going up. The bishop has a lot of trust with us as he sees that we are working hard and he told us a couple nights ago that he knows the ward is bad right now and he needs all the help we can offer, prayers, visits, etc. We know that we can't hold the ward up on our on, and we can't be the home teachers for EVERY person, but we can definitely pick up a few pieces here and there, and we can be working with the members a lot more. So we're going to try that this week, and we hope to see a lot of success from there.
On other news, I GOT MY PACKAGE! Woohoo! We had a zone activity again today (which means another P-Day with 4 hours blown in buses, but that's alright) and I got my package there. Also we'll be getting a zone conference tomorrow, which should be very inspirational I'm sure and I think I should enjoy it quite a bit.
But yeah, haven't opened it yet, seeing as how we went to Chedraui (like walmart but small and Mexican) straight from ADO (which is the big bus station here) and then we'll be going home from here, but I'm excited to try on the coat and sweatshirt, with things getting pretty cold here now. They're telling me that since I'll probably be here until Christmas, I'm going to see snow. SNOW! In Mexico!? Nunca lo hubiera pensado, la verdad, pero vamos a ver, y yo les mando fotos.
Anyway though, I guess we'll see how halloween here is, so far we're just seeing a lot of Catholics partying it up, and a LOT of drunk people that want to talk to us, which is pretty fun. Oh! And tamales, because during halloween everyone makes tamales. They're nothing like in the states, (that I've tried, anyway) but they're really really good and take forever to make. Oh! And I'll be sending a picture in this email of this sweet pumpkin dessert thing that's really good that my companion doesn't like. Mwahaha! We got a bunch from our neighbors the other day, and I got to eat it all spread out over a few days. =)
Well, I guess that's it for now, I'll have lots of stuff to write next week for sure!
Love you all,
Elder DeFreese

1. COOKIES! 'Nuff said.
2. Don't know how well you can see, but that's a BIG hole righ' thur.
3. Artsy shot of my companion in the fog.
4. Me, pulling the even more artsy pose.
5. The sweet pumpkin dessert I talked about. I think it has cinnamon and chocolate or something. It's gooood.

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