Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Aqui en Mexico...‏

May 23, 2011
So let's see, it's time for my weekly email I guess. Haha let me just jump right in as unorganized as ever.
Firstly, I wish I could've heard Sean's talk, if there's a written form (although he's pro and I know he only has outlines usually) I'd like a copy sent, deal?
Secondly, the all night Señor (haha) party was alright, it could've been a lot better if our student council had prepared better because a lot of things that were going to happen didn't work. I still thought it was worth it though, because it was a last chance to hang out with all the school friends together before we graduate and then never see those people again. Sad, but true. Haha
And now for my own stuff to insert. Well, I've taken about 70 pictures since last week I think. I'm taking a ton, so even what I send isn't a part of it. I also had to withdraw about $16 (american) from my checkings account today because my comp. is about out of money so we need just a bit more to get by until the end of the month. The thing that kills us is transportation, because everything important is far from our house, and we have two wards, and therefore our area is kind of big and stretched out, so we have to take the bus a lot and sometimes a taxi if we're in more of a hurry.
Another thing, Hermano Aldrich's email is actually alexanderaldrich@gmail.com, so without the period in the middle.
Aaaand que mas...
Last P-Day after my email, we went to El Centro, which is this place downtown with like the post office and some government buildings, a university, and a boardwalk-ish shopping area like Pike's Place Market, for those that've been there. And then there's the ocean right there as well, with plenty of Mexicans next to it willing to jump in and search for sea urchin thingies for 10 pesos. And if you throw money in the water, they'll dive for it and get it before it gets to the bottom. Probably  either a lot easier or harder than it sounds.
We also had a Zone Conference this past Thursday, where I gave the opening prayer and bore my testimony because all the newbies and people leaving had to. But that was fun, and it was a little out of area so I got to see more of the city.
There's this lady that we baptized on saturday named Juana that kind of surprised us, because, well.. She was golden from the start and accepted everything really well, prayed and read the book of mormon when we committed her to, but then when she was going to come to church with us, her mom talked to her and said she'd kick her out of the house if she did. This lady is about 50 years old with a little baby, single, and doesn't have enough money to live alone, so that was pretty devestating. So she didn't go to church with us at first, and then suddenly she convinced her mom to let her go to church a couple weeks later, but we thought that's about as far as it'd go. But she talked to her mom again and her mom gave her permission to be baptized without being kicked out. And so, we finished teaching her what was necessary and boom! Baptized her. Muy bueno. It was pretty awesome, and that was the first baptism I've had where I actually started out teaching with my comp., adding a lot here and there. So I actually feel like I earned it this time.
Then again, she's great on her own, it was only her determination and faith that got her in the water, that and the Spirit, not us.
Oh, and then yesterday, let's see... Firstly, I woke up late. Not really late late, but I woke up at 6:30 like usual without knowing that we were supposed to be at a member's house at 7 to start picking up investigators to come to church. So I was running late, and thus I forgot to bring my talk that I had taken about 2 hours to write. Haha so we get to the church and that's when I remember, so I searched some scriptures and wung it (is it the fact that my English is rusty, or does that just sound stupid? wung...) in spanish. For a little over 10 minutes. And I actually did pretty well. I just thought about what I wanted to say in English, opened my mouth, and it came out pretty well in Spanish without many pauses or anything. And I had three good scriptures to read throughout, so it went really well.
But yeah, the rest of the day went well. I am loving the food here, I just must say. Today in the store we bought some real milk (because the milk we've been buying isn't real milk I guess... No se. =P) so we'll see how that tastes. Milk here is different though, I'll just say that. I like it, but it isn't milk. I really don't know how to explain it. Haha ask someone who went to Mexico. It tastes pretty much like milk, but slightly different and it doesn't need to be refrigerated.
Also, speaking of food, Jason (and whoever else wants to), the next time you're in that Mexican store, see if you can find Mamut. I'll attach a picture, it's a little snack candy thingy that I do enjoy a lot, and I think you'd love it. It's like a s'more, and it's really cheap. Here anyway.
And what mooooore...
I can always think of so many things throughout the week and then when I'm finally in front of the computer, I can't think of anything. But, I'll maybe just attach my pictures now and see if anything else comes as I'm doing that.


1. The ocean. Mmmhmmm.
2. A sort of park-ish square thingy in the middle of the road in El Centro, very cool.
3. Molé. Mom, you'd probably love this. It's chicken with chocolate and spices and rice, and it's actually really good.
4. Mango ice cream, it's super good.
5. Gringas - A member has a stand for food, and so we get food for free there every once in a while. These are so good. Tortilla, meat, onion, cheese, other veggies, sauce, tortilla. So good.
6. An activity for the kids at the church. They're hilarious.
7. This seems to happen a lot. They can't figure out how to take the picture and so just as I start to move to show them how, they take it. Haha but this is a little family we're trying to get reactivated. The one kid is 8 (almost 9) and hasn't been baptized yet.
8. Juana and her baby with us on the baptism day.
9. And finally, Mamut. Search for 'em. They're delicious.

And so, I think that'll do for this week. I can't think of much more to say, the work moves forward, even though we're having kind of a slow month with only one baptism so far. But hopefully we'll get another one or two this Saturday. I hope and trust that things are going well back there, I know you're all praying for me and my companion and I pray for our family and friends all the time, so we know you're being blessed too.
I do have a strong testimony of this work. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, without a doubt. I looove reading it now. Those that know me know that I read tons of books before the mish, but I can honestly say now that the Book of Mormon is my favorite now. If I don't get at least an hour of reading in it every day, I'm cranky. Haha I don't know, it's just an absolutely fantastic book, it helps me to be a better person and missionary in so many ways, and I know that it's the word of God. I know that, that being said, Joseph Smith was absolutely a true prophet of the Lord, having translated the Book of Mormon. My favorite thing to do is bear testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, because I feel the spirit strongly every time I do. And now, that being said, if the Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith is the prophet, then the church of Jesus Christ, as it was in its original form back in His time, is now again restored on the earth. Meaning that we have a true living Prophet, we have Apostles, and we have the true authority and Priesthood of God. Which is hugely important.
My testimony of this gets stronger daily, and I urge you at home who don't know these things yet to figure them out. The only way to do so is by reading and praying, most importantly above all else. But not just praying and ending it there. You need to pray like Moroni tells us in chapter 10:3-5. With a pure heart, real intention, and faith in Christ. That may not be the exact wording, because I have it down better in Spanish, but those three things are super important.
Pure heart means that you really mean it and you really want to know, you're casting out all your doubts and fears and just clearing your mind and heart so you can feel the answer, whether it be yes or no.
Real intention means that you need to know that if you get the answer, you will CHANGE because of it. If you pray to know that these things are true, without wanted to change your life in the least, you won't get an answer.
Faith in Christ sounds like the simplest, but I think it's the hardest. We haven't seen Christ for ourselves, all we have to go on is years and years of the norm. Hearing the same old same old, until it seems common place to hear that, yeah... Some guy came down, suffered for us, did miracles, and died. But it's much more than that. We need to search our thoughts and really try to believe that the only begotten Son of God did come down among His people, that he suffered all sorts of trial, temptation, sickness, and scorn for the very people that were bringing it upon Him. And that He did atone for our sins, each person, specifically. That He did it not for the glory, but because He loves us, and because He loves the Father. And after all that, and all the miracles, and all the suffering, he died, and was resurrected the third day, so that we all could overcome death. Every single person, the sinner and the righteous. That is God's great gift to man, and that is the pinnacle of everything Jesus Christ did for us. If we can just plant that seed of faith, to believe that Jesus Christ was and is that very person, then and only then can we receive what we need.
It might be hard, and I'm no perfect example. I have to work on my faith every day. But when we put these things into prayer, we get the answers that we need. Not the answers that we want sometimes, because we can't just pray for a new car and there it is, but when we learn to pray for what we really do need, with those things in mind, we can be answered every time.
Anyway, sorry to get all spiritual on all y'all, I don't mean to, but when I talk about stuff like that, I get kinda carried away in it all. But I would NOT get carried away in it if it weren't true. Family and friends prepping for missions, prep harder. Or those that could be but aren't, start to. Family and friends who have returned already, it's not over. There's still that 5th part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we like to call enduring to the end. That means going to church, praying, studying the scriptures, and continuously trying to better ourselves through repentance and service.

And now I'll get off my soap box. =P
I love you all a ton, think about you and appropriate amount of time each day (I can't say always, because then I'd be distracted. =P), and I hope and believe that you're all doing fantastically.

Elder DeFreese

p.s. I had a dream last night that I was in Utah with you (family) speaking Spanish, and you all understood. It was funny. Okay bye!

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