Wednesday, January 9, 2013

La Week Semanal‏

June 18, 2012
Quién se dará cuenta de lo que he cambiado en esta semana... Adam, seguramente, pero no se enoje, es por ''kicks and giggles'', nada más. =P

A'ight, now that I've confused all you ladies and gents (not Gentiles) that still haven't figured out google translate, or can't understand the badly translated-ness that is google translate, let's get into the normal news of the week!

Well, this week was pretty normal until the end. Honestly we had some of our good days, some weird days, some tough days, and a cool day where I ran and did two interviews for both of the other companionships in our district. 

I don't have too much time this week, but I do want to share a quick message that I sort of shared with my Dad just now in an email, it's something I've been thinking a lot on lately. I think that sometimes, and this week was one of those times, we just start to get into the routine of things in the mission (and at home, so don't relax just yet!) and that after a while, that routine starts to turn into a rut. If I remember the meaning of that word right, it's basically that we get stuck with the same old same old, we aren't seeing results, and we don't quite know how to get out of it.

Well, as I was saying, that's what happened to us this week. We realized near the end that we were doing the same things every day without many results, and it reminded me of something we learned in the Zone Conference of about a week ago. Something I SHOULD have learned well from that moment, but that I just didn't quite think to apply until after learning the hard way. What one of the APs said was that we have to be ''fishers of men'', like the Apostles that Jesus called. But that sometimes, even though we're out in the street, knocking doors and working hard physically, we're really not fishing. He pointed out that it's like the difference of the type of fisherman that go out early and put their hooks in the water and wait patiently and do all that's possible, trying new hooks, new baits, etc. until they get a good catch, and the other type that gets out on his boat early, but just sits there thinking and fiddling with the gear for a good while, throws out the line wherever, and starts in on his lunch or something, without really focusing on the catch.

Sometimes as missionaries we're like that. We go out, and we're technically ''on the boat'' from early in the morning until night, but we don't get the same catch as other missionaries and we wonder why. Well, the reason is that we can be on the boat without fishing, and we can even throw in a hook and sit and wait, but it really still isn't fishing. We have to be (returning to the missionary side of the parable =D) talking to everyone, using the members, asking for references, planning activities, and many more things that a good missionary days. Well, to be honest we can get a lot better at that. So this Sunday, my companion and I had a good talk and put a lot of goals, and this week we're going to be putting into play a lot of new forms to find and teach that we found in PMG and the scriptures.

This all reminds me of Timberline, because we had a saying there with the boots and the compass. The boots represent hard work, and the compass represents the right direction. We may be working hard, but without the direction, we aren't going anywhere. And at the same time, we may know the right direction, but it doesn't help if there's no hard work. So, I'm going to be applying that this week, and I hope to report a very good week to you all next Monday. I know I will. Hopefully you can all think about the routines of church, of jobs, or other assignments or things in your lives so that you can start to try new things with a spirit of prayer and see some miracles.

Hope you all have a great week! Gotta go, love you all.
Elder DeFreese

p.s. Sorry, no pictures this week, I haven't taken any! =S

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