Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Weekly Semana‏

June 25, 2012
Well, this weekly semana is pretty interesting, but full of lots of goodness.
This week has been a pretty blessed one. Not easy, because blessings come ''after all we can do'' (2 Nephi 25), as we all know, but we did get some pretty good ones.
Well firstly, I'mma start by saying what the things were that we did this week a little differently, and then I'll talk about the results.
1. We made specific plans to share a message at the food with the assigned sisters in the ward EVERY day, with a well thought out and written down scripture on missionary work, and drawn out columns to put names of people, their address, and the...horario (google.translate, please =P) of the people that they'd like us to visit/do a home evening with, invite to church, etc. 
2. We visited more members throughout the day with other messages and spiritual moments and things like that to get them excited and to help convert them, so that they can help us convert others.
3. We just decided to work with a lot more hope and faith that things were going to work out, and stopped worrying so much about numbers, or appointments that fell through, etc. 

And now, for the results!

Well the first thing we did was more of a ''sewing than reaping'' experience, but we commited these sisters to a specific day to give us the paper, full of names. Aaand well we've just begun the reaping, but lets just say that this week we'll be pretty busy with our sheaves. Heh... Sheaves. Sounds weird in English. 
Secondly, with the visiting of members. Not only did we find out a lot more about the members themselves, their needs, testimonies, desires, etc., but we were able to receive lots of instruction and revelation from those visits! For example, right now our Ward Mission Leader has been missing in action for about 3 or 4 months, because he had to go to a different state here in Mexico to train some people on what he does for work, and we desperately need the support of a Ward Mission Leader or someone to help us out. Well, as we were visiting a sister, she mentioned her son, a good guy that's about 40 or 50 years old who's always joking around with us, and so nobody really takes him seriously.
Well, we found out that he STILL doesn't have a calling in the ward after having started going to church again (he was inactive before) more than a few months ago, and he feels like nobody needs or wants him or his help.
So we talked to the Bishop and he'll be interviewing him this week to see what kind of calling he can give him, but it will very likely have to do with missionary work. 
We had many other experiences similar to that as well that I don't have time to mention, but were great.
Then, as for the third thing we applied. We had a lot more hope and we just worked hard. Well, to get right to the point, we find people this week. Yes we did. Some very good ones. There is one that we found miraculously that has been going to church with his friend in a different ward, but lives in our ward and had never gone, we talked to him and his friend and invited them, and on Sunday they went! Along with another investigator we've been teaching for a while but who has never gone! 
So yeah, we had those two, then about four other investigators that have been going for a while but haven't been able to be baptized for one reason or another, a couple others that don't live in our area but that will be hearing from the missionaries of their area very soon, aaaand to top it off about 3 or 4 referrals of members that came to church as well. AND, don't let me for get, multiple inactive or less active members that we and the ward visited went. So it was pretty full and a really cool experience.
Well well, I guess that's all for this week because the time is a runnin'! I have to get going, but just know that when we set goals and follow through with them, we really do get blessed! Love you all, 
Elder DeFreese

1. Heat + humidity + early morning jogging = THIS.
2. The new, slightly enlarged and largely improved district!

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