Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hi to yous peoples‏

November 7, 2011

Yes, I speaking the English,
Haha whatever, I'm in a weird mood, and we've been talking some pretty cruddy English lately, so thought I'd mess around a bit with that.
Anyway, so this week has been pretty awesome and passed SO fast, like always. It's crazy that a year ago now I already had my mission call and I was getting ready to go with all my buddies to the MTC. Now here really soon, Elder Clyde and Elder Albee with both hit there year marks, and before I know it, I will too... AH! Scary, really. But it's all good, I just hope I'm doing what God wants me to in the short time I have. Everyone comments on the long time that 2 years is when they ask us how long we do this, but I tell them it's nothing, and that we enjoy the time we have. I honestly don't know what I'll do with myself when I get home someday, but I know that I'll be tripping over English here and there.
You all have no idea, because when it's an email, it's all typed out and there are no troubles to delete and start over something, but you'll see this Christmas! Ugh, I'm going to have to start studying English again a couple weeks before that call.
Anyway though, life is good here, we had a Zone Conference this last Tuesday, so we got to hear from the Assistants and our President again, President Treviño. He's a really good man, and I'm glad to have the chance to listen to what he and the other missionaries have to say to us. We got really pumped from that, and we went out to work hard for another week. We fasted on Saturday (which is always hard with members offering you food ALWAYS^^), and we were doing it a lot for the ward and for the inactive members that we've started seeing. A lot of good things have gotten rolling and we're seeing a lot of mini miracles. Also, we had a refferal that came to church on Sunday with a family in the ward, and he seems really good. We'll be seeing him this week, and then we had Sonya come to church for her second time, I don't remember if I mentioned her last week... But anyway, she's got a baptismal date for this Saturday, we're praying really hard that everything will work out so that she can make that important step.
We've really been enjoying the package that I mentioned that I received last week, thank you family! Love you all tons! Mmm, gardettos.... Also, we're laughing a lot with the laffy taffy. Haha one day walking in the street I pulled one out and read the joke to myself and then my comp., which went a little like this...
Why did the potato go to france?
...Of course, here I am thinking, ''Hmm, what could be the reason? Something to do with french fries for sure, but in what way?...Who knows, I'll look I guess''
and the answer...
To be a french fry.
Sooooo stupid! But I laughed pretty hard, which got the curiosity of my comp. of course, and I told it to him for some more laughs.
So yeah, we're having a lot of good times here in the area of Pinal, Teziutlan. Enjoying the mission a lot and seeing some more success especially recently.
I am now reading the scriptures in pure Spanish, I actually have been for about a month, and it's been really cool. I've gotten so familiar with the Book of Mormon in general (having read it 5 times in one year, go me! =P) that now, switching to Spanish really doesn't make a difference. I know the story so well that if there's ever a word I didn't know before, I already know what it means and translate it in my head. Which is an awesome help for my Spanish, as you can imagine. I know that I still have a lot to go there, I may be fluent, but my grammar probably isn't the best. So we'll be seeing when I'll get a Mexican companion, but everyone tells me it has to be this next week (transfers are next Tuesday) that I'll receive a Mexican or some sort of Spanish speaker.
I'm excited in any case.
Well, I believe that's all for now! I'll attach a couple pictures now.
Elder DeFreese

1. Oh, excuse me, did you catch me posing in my brand new coat? Whoops, I didn't mean to be looking so dashing. =P
2. Don't know if I mentioned that Elder Lyons completed 18 months a week or two back, so we burned a pair of pants. It's a tie for 6 months, as I did, a shirt for 1 year, pants for 18 months, and at 2 years you burn a suit. I don't know about that last one, but it's a ways away, we'll see.

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