Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Weekly Semana‏

July 16, 2012
In the words of Tony the Tiger, this week was ¡grrrriquísimo! 
...Alright, doesn't sound that cool in Spanish.
Anyway though, let's get started!

So this week was pretty fun I guess. On Wednesday I went on splits with Elder Wilhelm, our newer Zone Leader. That went really well because we learned a lot from each other, and have a lot of similar experiences in the mission, seeing as how he's only got one more transfer than me. We actually met in the MTC, but yeah, he's a good Elder.
Then on Thursday was a special Zone Conference to get to know my third and hopefully last mission President, President López. He's a really spiritual man from Puebla, here right next door to Veracruz. It's basically like if he were from Idaho or Colorado called to a mission in Utah. But he's happy and excited, as well as his wife and children. We had a great opportunity to have interviews with him and he gave us all some really good advice and some great ideas for the work, so we'll be putting a lot of that into practice. 
Then, on Sunday we had a pair named Meli and Fernando that went to church that are super excited. Fernando had been already, but it was Meli's first time in our ward (last week by mistake they went to a different ward.) and they loved it. They already are super excited to be baptized but Satan is attacking powerfully, we should have the baptismal service for them this Friday or Saturday though.
Hmm, what else?
Today we tried something called Zacahuílt (yeah, probably don't even try to pronounce it, no worries =P) which is like mashed corn with sauce and meat and stuff. Sounds weird but it's reeally really good. 
And well, I think that's everything for now... We're having a good experience here and working hard, knocking lots of doors and runnin' all over to find people, but I have loved it here in Poza Rica. 
This is almost definitely my last week in this area, so I'll probably be telling you all where I'm headed next Monday, but I hope to go to Xalapa or Martinez de la Torre or somewhere like that. We'll see!
Well, that's it for now I think, love you all!
Elder DeFreese

p.s. Sorry this email is really short this week, I'll try my best next week to bring some notes or something. I just forget what happens, but every day is different and interesting!


1. I don't think I sent this pretty view of a nice part of our area, 5 de Febrero.
2. Cake! 
3. Aaand you guessed it! Pozole and more cake on at the food appointment with Elder Wilhelm. Ay, la vergüenza (tan sabrosa =P) de cumplir años en la misión... 

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