Monday, January 14, 2013

The Weekly ''Meeeeeerry Christmas''!!!‏

December 24, 2012
Dear Family and friends,

Well I hope you're all doing well this Christmas season. Today is Christmas Eve! Who would have that that it would come so fast? Tomorrow is Christmas! Woohoo! 

But yeah, I guess I'll get on with the update for the week. =P

So this week I got my new companion on Tuesday night. Elder Palma, I think I mentioned him last week, he's coming straight from the offices after having been secretary and District Leader there, so he's got a lot of good knowledge from having been very close to President Lopez and the Assistants. He's been helping me out a lot to perfect our teaching form so that we can really be Preach My Gospel missionaries, and it's going great with him.

In the zone there are some new missionaries that are a little... Worrysome... They've got kind of a past of disobedience in the mission, but nothing that repentance can't solve! We had a good talk with the zone on Wednesday after district class, and we told them that their past wasn't important to us, because to God it doesn't matter who we were, it matters who we choose to be NOW. So yeah, it looked like they got the point and they have been working hard here in Teziutlán. They're great missionaries, we just all have our weaknesses I think. 

Anyway, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we were just searching new people and working with the current ones we have. One that I mentioned a while back is Edgar, or as he likes to be called by his second name, Saíd (I think there's a character on Lost that has the same name, so you can pronounce it!). He's a young man with a lot of desire to change, but has been really busy with his work, so we've been able to see him very little, but bit by bit we've been getting him closer and closer to take the step of baptism. 

Well, this week he came with us to church! Woohoo! He has his baptismal date set for the 30th of December and his cousin, Luís, who gave us the referral, will most likely be... ¿efectuando? (help me, someone that speaks English!) the baptism. 

As well on Sunday our investigator, Julia (don't know if I've mentioned her) was baptized, I'll send a picture next week because another missionary took the picture.

Aaaand what else? Well the week has been generally great! We had more people come to church with us this week, so we're doing well and we're pretty happy about the work we've been doing, we just have to keep going.

Today I was listening to some church music while cleaning the house, and I realized how grateful I am for this mission experience I've had and keep having, I just had to say a big old prayer of thanks because I really have come to learn and know a lot more about my Saviour and Father in this time, and they have blessed me beyond measure, and as it talks about it Alma 5, they've changed my heart. I'm definitely not the same person that I was when I left. I'm not perfect, and I have a LONG way to go, but I feel like I've finally built a testimony that my life can be based on after this time. 

For all those who are reading this, in whatever way that you've had an influence in my life, I hope you know that I'm SUPER thankful for you and your support in my being here. This is something that every person should be able to experience to some degree in their life, and the only way is serving and loving your neighbor. I hope you all can keep influencing the lives of others and help others to come to know the things that I've come to know.

I know that Christmas is really about Christ. The very title states it. Let's please try to distract ourselves of the material at this time, it's fun and great as well, and in some cases very necessary, but NOTHING is more necessary than a true remembrance of the birth, life, atonement, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We must remember that He still guides us in these times, and that we have to do all we can to live according to His spirit, which is the very same Christmas spirit. It's something that makes us want to give everything we've got to those in need, so let's give them the Gospel! It's what will bring true happiness to those who LIVE it. 

I love you all and I hope you have a great Christmas! Remember Him in this season! See you all sooner or later. =D

Elder DeFreese

1. Our zone. The picture was taken with timing on it, so it's not perfect, but 's'all good. =)
2 The stake Christmas party, where they decided to go crazy on some Christmas-ish piñatas. ¡Híjole!
3. Today, after playing basketball in the Stake Center, we went to visit the Bishop at his Pet Vet place. Yeah, that's a Chihuahua! Adam, DON'T SHOW THIS TO BRAVO. Heheh
4. Lookin' fly in a Bratz hat I found. Ahhh yeah.

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