Tuesday, January 8, 2013

''Bueno, bueno...No me diga!''‏

August 15, 2011

Just speaking some 'phone talk', because that's generally what missionaries say around here when they answer the phone. Something like, 'Hello, what's up? ... You're kidding me!'' Because in general, things are surprising out here on the mission.
Bueno, vamos a empezar (alright, let's start),
Soooo...  This week we had surprise splits, again, which frustrated mi compa aun más, pero bueno. Okay, menos spanglish... Gotta put myself in English mode again,  I've been around a mix of Mexicans that speak a little English and Americans all day, so I'm in Spanglish mode. Anyway, so at first the splits  bugged  my companion,  because most likely I'll be leaving this next  Tuesday for a different area, and what  with the hospital and a round of splits already, and him trying to learn the area before I go, he really didn't want to go to a different place again.  So, we  ended up having me leave my area! Crazy. I went up to Las Brisas, with Elder Ruiz. It's a really pretty area that reminds me a lot of Arizona,  because it's farther from the beach, so a little less humid than my area, and just a lot of similar styled stuff.
But anyway, I learned a lot with Elder Ruiz,  and he was surprised with my Spanish, even though it's still  being worked on, I  was able (and have been able to for a while, thank you very much^^) to add a lot to the lessons and help people accept things like commitments to read the BoM, go to Church, be baptized, etc. So yeah, he enjoyed his time with me, and I with him. It was cool to see a different area, seeing as how I've been in the same one for the first 4 months of my time here in Mexico.  Oh, speaking of time... I complete  6 months tomorrow! Woohoo! Apparently that means I have to burn a tie. We'll  see how that goes, whether I do it or not,  if so, I'll be sure to send pictures.
Anyway, I'm kinda sunburned today.  Wanna know why? We had  a zone activity,  and it was a water balloon fight at the church.Which was... Interesting. Haha the  cleanup wasn't  fun, and I'm still wet, but it was  pretty cool. Especially when  the  Elders  finally got the sister missionaries soaked when they came out from the church building, thinking it was finally all  over. Mwahaha! But I had  no part in it, how cruel and ungentleman-like. And hilarious^^
So yeah, that was fun, I'm  still a little damp,  but it's all good.
Anyway,  my comp. and I have noticed something. It seems like   whenever you study a certain topic, like patience, God wants to test you to see if you really learned that topic  well and tests  your patience quite  a bit. So, since I told you last week about that  'God will give  me success, but if not I'll still follow' thing last week, of course this  week was one of our  roughest  for lessons and everything.  We had to drop quite a few stubborn  people that  just won't commit to anything,  then the  few really good people  we had didn't  show  up  on Sunday, even  though there were 3 or 4 people  that were  pretty much sure  to come, so I have to say,  that afternoon after church, I had a hard  time finding the desire   to contact people, to  search out people and teach.  I  mean, I wake up every day on time,  I don't break any rules, I work hard, we're in the food at 2 and out by 2:30, even though we could relax for another half hour and STILL be within the rules, we remind people every day about church on Sunday, and then when it all falls apart, it's just like... What!? What happened  there?
But anyway,  I am understanding that I really really have to apply  that lesson from our President and follow working. I have to do it, for me, for God, for the Savior, for you, my family and friends, and for them.  The few people that let their hearts open just a bit to give us a shot. The few  people that don't laugh at us, our beliefs, make assumptions and just choose not to believe anything. The few people that accept, repent, and be baptized.  It's one of the happiest things I've ever experienced to be in the water baptizing. I know for a fact that we have the proper authority today. I know that baptism  isn't just some dip in the water, but it  truly  washes away past sins and starts a new life. I know that the new life that begins isn't easy.
Sometimes we Latter Day Saints tend to say that following the gospel makes us so much happier, and life so much better, and it does, but not in the way we sometimes think. Just because we're in the gospel doesn't  make problems go away. In fact, sometimes it multiplies them. But being in the gospel means that, while you may have a multitude of problems, you know  the ONE solution, the actual solution to everything, faith, repentance, baptism (and the covenants we renew with the sacrament included), the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. If we just do that, then I know for a fact the life after will be one of happiness, rest, and eternal progression. And we can always push forward in hope knowing that, no matter the situation.
So, what'll I do this week? I'll contact, I'll knock doors, I'll open my mouth, I'll help people when the opportunity arises and make opportunities when it doesn't. I'll keep doing what I'm here to do, because I love you all, and I love  my God, and my savior Jesus Christ.  He's your savior too, believe it or not, he's there for you all, and he'll never leave you, even if we constantly leave him. Let's all just try to come back a bit and put life into proportion, who is more important than Christ, who saved us from death, sin, sadness, and everything that is evil or unclean? He really is our keystone, so let's build our foundation on him. 
So that we may avoid the shafts in the whirlwind, like  Alma speaks about to Helaman in... Chapter 36 or 7 of Alma, I think.
Anyway, I know the church is true,  I know God lives and loves all of us,  and He  wants the best  for us.
Vamos adelante!
Con amor,
Elder DeFreese

1. At a zone conference, with Elder Coffin (my first comp)'s glasses that don't actually do anything to your vision.Haha
2. This kid in Las Brisas, he's like 2 years old. Super funny.
3. A little laguna in Las Brisas, really pretty, the picture  doesn't even do it justice.

Well,  I guess that's it for this week! More next time.
DeFreak (as they so call me here. Lovingly of course^^)

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