Monday, January 7, 2013

P...Blasted Spanish keyboard... -Day! (I had to find the ¨-¨)‏

April 25, 2011
Okay y'all, looks like I'm here in Mexico.

So that's pretty cool and stuff I suppose. Yeah, it is really cool. I don't think my SD card fits into this computer, I'll ask my companion before I send this email, but if it doesn't I'll have to send pictures later I suppose.

So, in order of happenings...

-I sent you that email (which you could forward to my forward list if you desire, I think it had my address in it)

-I got assigned my area, which is Veracruz North, so I'm in the city still. Like 15 minutes from the mission home, and maybe 20 from the beach, probably less even.

-Along with my area, I got my companion, who is Elder Coffin, the samoan. Si si, I have a samoan companion, but he speaks spanish pretty well, so lots of people think he's Mexican. Oh, and he speaks pretty good English too, we communicate in English and Spanish mixed. Otherwise known as Spanglish.

-I was introduced to my home. It's pretty getto, not gonna lie, and everything is covered in dirt. The shower is rusty and there are lizards crawling on the walls. Oh, and I love it! It's pretty flippin' sweet. And it's a lot bigger than I expected, granted that it isn't big at all, but it's just my companion and I, so yeah.

-We went to get water and met my first native Mexicans, a family that was baptized just a few days before I got here. The one kid reminds me of Braden, except that I can't understand half of what he says. I'm getting more and more as we go. The kids are seriously hilarious here, they're always joking around and playing games and stuff, they're really fun, and they love me because I'm American and can teach them English.

-As far as food goes, we don't really eat breakfast, or at least we haven't, and then we study 'til 12 and then go teach. Eat at 2ish, (if we can find the member's house) and teach again until about 9. The days go super fast here, and I'm getting better at teaching as I go.

-I had my first baptism, and I baptized in Spanish, which was interesting. We baptized a nephew of that same family that was baptized last week. His mom's a member, he was 9, so yeah. We taught him what was necessary to teach, had him interviewed, and baptized him (he'd already been to church a million times).

-I gave my first 10 minute talk in Spanish in one of our wards on Sunday. =P

Yeah, they already have me giving talks. Haha but it was on La Expiación, which is a topic I'm good at. Oh, that's the Atonement.

-Aaaand, yeah! Don't know what else happened that was big. Our companionship is going alright. There are horses in random places, people riding around on bikes with tortillas, policemen with machineguns, and I'm already starting to brown up in this super hot and humid place. And yeah, it's just awesome. I can tell I'm going to have a good time here, and my companion says my spanish is really good for how long I've been here, he says that I could probably be a trainer right after he's done training me. We'll see, but I doubt my spanish will be that good. We'll see, I'll let you know in a couple weeks!

Anyway, don't know what else to say...

I figured out how to get in the SD card so I guess I'll (hopefully) send you some pictures, as soon as this computer starts working for that. It's being really slow, so we'll see.

Okay, well it's being weird. I'll just send this and then try and figure it out, and if you get pictures, you'll get 'em! =) Aaand, I love you all and stuff. Forward the pictures, if I get a chance to send them. Thanks!

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