Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Weekly Semana‏

May 14, 2012
So this week has been pretty awesome.
Love you all, talk to you next week!

...What? Didn't I JUST talk to you all yesterday? You're sooo needy. Oh wait, some of you I didn't get to talk to, fine, I'll lengthen this weekly message. =P

So firstly, I would like to declare that my entire family is full of liars because I do NOT have that much of an accent. I think. I just say things weird, alright? My companion did tell me afterward that it was funny though, because he was trying to understand the conversation, and he could understand almost everything I said, but nothing my family said. When I  asked why, he just told me, ''I don't know, you speak English like a Mexican!''. So, I guess maybe I might have a tiny accent, whatever. Haha
Other than that, for those who I didn't talk to yesterday, well this has been a pretty tough but rewarding week with my companion and I. We were going all over the place trying to teach current investigators and find new investigators, all with very much walking and climbing hills in the heat, lots of prayer, lots of stops and restarts, and very little success, but we kept going with hope that we'd be blessed to help someone come unto Christ. 
Earlier in the week we'd had our District Class on Diligence and the Doctrine of Christ, which went really well, once it began finally. Haha what had happened is that Elder Eastmond had only been to our chapel one time before, and he had his other companion Elder Thomson to guide him there. This time though, he was coming with his new companion who'd never been there. Well, a long story short, they got lost, the taxi driver had no idea where he was going, and dropped them off in this random place kinda far from our chapel. So, they called us about 20 minutes after class was supposed to start, telling us they were lost, so we went to search out our ''lost sheep'' and told them to meet us at a certain street they were close to. The funny thing is, while we were figuring this out on the phone, this lady approached us with a little tin foil package thing and said, ''are you brothers hungry?'' we told her we were fine, thanks, but she insisted and said they were empanadas (mmmmmm FAVORITE!) and that she had brought them for her son in school, but she was late and he'd already eaten and they'd go to waste. So, we gratefully accepted the delicious, melty cheese filled empanadas (drool), and were on our way. I beat myself up later for not asking for her direction or contacting her, but at the same time Elder Eastmond was on the phone talking to me, so we just kept going. Well, we found them after a bit of searching and all went back to the church to start about an hour late. Then they took a picture after by the street sign of our church. Our church is hidden in the street ''Niño Perdido'' which means ''Lost Boy''. Haha so that was funny.
Anyway, the week continued, and every once in a while I commented to my companion jokingly that we had to find the sister that gave us empanadas and teach her, because those ones were especially good. But the week moved on and we didn't find her or very many others for that matter. It was hard but we moved forward.
Well, at the end of the tough week, we were able to see a few pretty big blessings. First, in church we had absolutely nobody as far as investigators goes, which was actually pretty sad, but you know how it goes. So, we were a little down for a sec but just decided to dig in and keep going with hope and joy and all the good stuff. So we did. Well, the second our of church came around and my companion had to go to the bathroom, so we went downstairs to go to the bathroom, and I waited outside the door for my companion. I saw a lady a little bit off talking to someone from the Stake that was visiting. Then the stake brother told me to come over there, so I curiously did. The first thing the lady said was, ''did you like the empanadas?'', and then I recognized her. It was that lady from earlier on in the week! 
So we talked a bit and I found out that she's a very inactive member that lives close to the church that would love to start coming back and bring along her 9 year old son that she desperately wants us to help so that he grows up with God in his life. What a blessing! We were able to, after such a long and hard week, have a woman and her son that needed us find US, and not the other way around! 
So that blessing really made us happy, and then in the afternoon we were able to have the baptismal service of Orlando, a 12 year old boy that I mentioned we've been working with for a while, and my companion was super excited and happy to be able to have his first baptism.
Other than that, talking to the family was great and I am ready to start working again this week! Woohoo!
Anyway though, I love you all a ton and hope that you all are doing great! Send me letters and stuff. ,)

Elder DeFreese

1. Our new district lookin' slick. (from left to right, Elder Eastmond, Elder Carmona, me, and Elder Vazquez)
2. The lost boys.
3. Baptism of Orlando. Wooh! =)
p.s. I enjoyed reading Drew's and Jeff's email this week. Sounds like Jeff is having some similar trial and blessing experiences, and Drew is enjoying life as a vegan (weirdo! =P) missionary. Thanks for the email forwards!

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