Monday, January 7, 2013

Again we bid you farewell, from the shadows of the rocky mountains...‏

April 15, 2011
Or whatever it is that is said at the end of Music and the Spoken Word. We watch that every week here, it's great. Especially the cheesy sayings^^ And this is the last time I'll be writing you from within the shadows of these mountains, so yeah! Sweetness. Got mah visa, got mah plans, gettin' packed and skeeeedaddlin'. However you spell that. No se.

Anyway, how are things back home? Boring? Average? Try the gospel!* It's free, it's easy**, it's made just for you. Okay, so I'm hyper or whatever. But I speak the truth, right? Life is good here, when all of your days are filled with religious awesomeness. It's like going to a boot camp where everyone tells each other they love you all day, and there's ice cream.

Anyway, hopefully things are going well back home. It's crazy to here about all the deaths going on back home, I hope everyone in the ward is doing alright, I'm thinking about them. Oh, by the way, someone should talk to the ward newsletter people. Sister Strong (the elderly) has sent me two ward newsletters, which was so sweet of her, but I'm not mentioned in either on the missionary page^^ So yeah, that'd be cool. Haha maybe then I'll get lots and lots of mail. I actually do get a lot though, thank you all so much, you know who you are. And for those who haven't sent anything, it's alright, I know life is busy and you understand that mine is too, so I'm sure it works out both ways. =)

I still don't have Jason and Laura's address, and I'd sure like to send them letters (especially something for little Hailey and Jack), and I will hopefully be sending letters to everyone else today as well. If not today, next P-Day in the FIELD! (O, en el Campo)

I say anyway waaaay too much. Lo siento. I don't mean too, it's just one of those words. I'ma start saying Entonces. It sounds much cooler anyway, oh and you'll see pues every once in a while too. Basically they're transition words, no worries.

Pues, let's see... What to share from the last week, what to share... No se. We're all so pumped to get out in the field and trying to continue to focus on study at the same time, it's hard sometimes. But this last week has been good though. Saturday is the last real day, because Sundays are easy here, which won't be the case in the field. Exciting stuff, right? Oh, by the way, my layover in Houston should be around 5 pm or something. It's for three hours, so I can probably call a lot of the fam. Anyone that wants to hear from me, even just a hello or something, let mom know and she'll let me know when I call her at work on Monday. Is that good with everyone? Okay, sweet. =P

Entonces... Hablemos (command form? "Let's talk") a cerca de mis Maestros. My teachers are awesome. I'm so grateful for what I got with them. I've gotten the chance to get to know lots of other teachers and honestly, we got the cream of the crop. Hermano Aldrich is a Spanish wizard or something, and Hermano Jones is a Spiritual... Man, trying to come up with something as cool as wizard is hard. He's a Spritual... Ninja. Okay, so yeah, they're both really awesome. We learn so much every day, and I think they've helped us prepare so much more for the mission field than we maybe could have with different teachers. They just work perfectly together.

I will definitely remember them, and keep in contact with them despues de mi mision (con accento, pero no quiero to switch keyboard modes ahora^^).

Well I've got seven minutes left, what else to say...

Oh, I'm sending home a package of just dear elders and letters I've received so I don't have to pack it around everywhere. You can just put that down in storage with my other stuff, thanks! If mom absolutely HAS to find some letters or something to scrapbook or whatever, that's fine, but she doesn't need to.

Hum de dum, what else... Oh! Jason, there was this guy here that we did service for in one of the buildings who served in Atlanta, in 2005 or so I think. Isn't that about when you served? I don't remember his name. Maybe I'll find him before I get out of here and write it down. He has read hair and a bit of a speech impediment, but he's a really nice guy and I think he said he recognized your name.

Oh, also if any of you send me dearelders today or later, I won't get them. They don't deliver on saturday and sunday, and not until after I'm gone on Monday. If you needed to let me know something or whatever, I guess you could hurry and send a letter, I would probably get it Monday morning before leaving. And then I'd have something to read on the plane!^^

Okay, no tengo mucho mas tiempo, pero... I love you all! I miss you all! Not in a bad way, I haven't really gotten homesick at all yet. I miss certain things, and especially people. But it's a good kind of "miss" that motivates me to do well and return with honor. Know what I mean? I hope you're all doing great. I love you a ton.

Elder DeFreese 

*The gospel being, as defined by scripture, Fe en JesuCristo y su Expiación, el arrepentimiento, el bautismo, la recepción del don del Espiritu Santo, y el perseverar hasta el fin.

**Okay, so by definition it is really not that easy, BUT the "burden is made light" by Jesus Christ through prayer and repentance and other good things. =)

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