Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fun Times‏

January 9, 2012
Alright, you're all going to have to forgive me this week...
I might speak English not very good this week, because I'm starting to get used to speaking spanish 24/7 with my new comp.
Speaking of which, I took a picture of him and I together, but can't send it this week, because for some reason the Internet that we usually go to closed suddenly when we were arriving, so we're in another one without a connection for my memory.
But anyway, this week has been pretty cool and rough at the same time. My companion and I have really been putting all our effort into the work and trying to find people and contact lots and do everything like that, and it seems like a lot of people that were sure to be baptized are suddenly falling through and stuff, but we still have Don Noé and his family that will definitely get baptized and we're all excited. Him and his wife will be baptized this week and his daughters next week, because they couldn't go to church in this past week.
Other than that though, we're just seeing a few trials here and there but we're pushing on and we'll keep going until we have the success God wants for us. I really enjoy hearing from the family and friends through email and letters, thanks for writing me! I liked how mom talked about her spiritual experiences in Primary. I honestly never realized how awesome of a mom we have (we being my brothers and sisters) until leaving the mission, it seems like I get to see more behind the scenes now and I finally understand the 'why' of things.
Before when mom bore her testimony and cried and things, I just thought she was kind of an emotional woman, and she is, don't get me wrong... But there's more. When you feel and know something with such strong conviction, it happens. I try not to cry and stuff here on the mission, but the other night we had a special lesson with Don Noé and his family especially about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We used Mosiah 4:5-6 (pretty sure... Around there) Alma 7:11-13, and finally Doctrine and Covenants 19: 15-19. If I'm a little off on those, I'm sorry, but the scriptures are really good. Really powerful. We talked about how much Christ has suffered for us and the why, and how him paying for us makes it possible to repent and return to his prescence, but I used an example.
Here, they use lots of buses for transportation, so the example is that...
Well, many people think that Christ's atonement just saves us and let's us into heaven automatically, but it's like a bus ticket. Christ paid the price, he bought the ticket for us to get to where we need to go (heaven), but we still have to GET ON THE BUS and go. We can't just say that he already paid and we're already fine, we still have to get on the right path and follow it.
And so we talked about repentance and with the last scripture I was prompted to have them all close their eyes and imagine Jesus saying these words to them face to face, and imagine his atonement as best as they could. They did so and we read the scripture, needless to say they got pretty emotional.
I honestly know that Jesus Christ paid the price of sin for us. I know that he suffered countless temptations, pains, sicknesses, and trials all for us. He suffered his whole life and then the peak of it all in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross. All that time though, he never once opened his mouth to say a word. He never once complained or cursed anyone or used the power we know he had to escape, to confuse his oppressors, or anything. He let his will be absorbed into the will of the Father. Something I really wish that I could do, but I'm trying.
I really do know that he did all that for all of us though, because he loves us and wants us to not have to go through what he went through. I know that we can repent from the littlest sins to the biggest sins. It does NOT matter what we've done or for how long, God forgives us in a moment when he sees our determination and our humility.
I'm so grateful for Christ's atonement, for the church that he has established amongst us today through the conduct of a modern prophet, Joseph Smith, who truly was one of the greatest men who's walked this earth. The more I learn about him, the more I'm in awe at how blinded the people could be to reject him, as he worked miracles amongst them, but I'm reminded of Jesus, who they rejected equally.
I also know that we have a prophet today, Thomas S. Monson. I know that he's a great man, that he loves all people and has the charity to guide us without tiring. I can't imagine how many trials he goes through and how much worry and care he has for us, but I know that as a Prophet, he's there for us, as is our Heavenly Father.
Sheesh, I want to bear testimony of everything right now, and I feel like I'm going all over the place and on tangeants, but it's just because I'm overwhelmed. I'm overwhelmed because I know it's ALL true. Every bit of this gospel. You can find plenty of doubts on the internet, you can think things through 'logically' at times and look at things strangely and think that at least SOME parts of the Gospel are wrong, but it really doesn't fly. I know that every last bit of this gospel is truth, because I've experienced it. I've heard it all, I've seen a LOT of things, and I've learned a lot from my own experience. This mission has changed my lives, and pre missionaries reading this, PLEASE make the decision now to go. Start preparing yourself early, be better than I was, but I know this will change your lives as well.
That's all for this week, sorry if I'm writing scatterbrained style, but know that I love you all and that I'm loving the mission. AH! I COMPLETE A YEAR SOON! Scary thought. I read a bit of Jeff's email that I got forwarded, and I feel the same as him. Heading into the mission, you long to have a year, but getting there, you think, I'm halfway through? NO! It has gone by fast and I don't want to let another second go. So, on that note, I think it's time to go do some good, as Dad always tells me in his emails. =)
Elder DeFreese

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