Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Well well well, NOTICIAS!‏

February 20, 2012
Alright, this week has been a little nuts, let's go!
Well, firstly what happened was the a couple Elders from my district came to our house last monday night to stay the night so we could all go wait for the bus to pass by at 3:45 in the morning on Tuesday! So, we didn't really sleep much, obviously, but we got up around 2 so that everyone could shower and get ready and everything and then we took a taxi over to the place we were told to wait with our zone. We were the first ones there and waited for a bit until the others arrived, and then the bus got there and we started heading off for Veracruz.
Well, on the way we were all wondering what was going on, because for all three zones (Tuxpan, Poza Rica, and Papantla) of us to be traveling all the way to Veracruz, it couldn't be some multi zone conference thingy, or else they'd just come up to Poza Rica, like always. But, nobody knew what was up, and there were a lot of rumors floating around. Well, we picked up the Elders of Papantla as well and my old comp. Elder Lyons walked in! Wooh! It had only been like a month and a half without seeing him, but it was really cool to see him again and talk to him. I mean, we were together all day every day for 4 and a half months, you kind of have to learn to love each other like brothers or want to kill each other. Well, we were talking and laughing the whole four and a half or five hours to Veracruz, so it was really cool.
Then, once we got there, I noticed that there were a few Elders standing outside that I knew, and that I knew were from ANOTHER different zone that's a lot farther south. So we were all even more confused, because it appeared that the whole mission was meeting. Aaand, that's just what it ended up being. A random, surprise Mission Conference, with the whole mission together again. We were all a little shocked, because those things are usually pretty well announced, but we took our seats when told, and President Treviño got up to talk. He teased us for a bit with different reasons for why we were all there, because it was the 14th of February, he mentioned a Valentine's mission party jokingly, and a few other things, but finally he told us the reason. Plain and simple, he said... The mission is going to be divided. WHAT!? There was silence suddenly and everyone looking at each other. Then he told us that, through our hard work and efforts, the General Authorities of the church have decided that our mission is ready to be split down the middle and become, Mission Mexico Xalapa and Mission Mexico Veracruz. The zones in Xalapa will be, Teziutlán, Martinez de la Torre, Tuxpan, Xalapa, Papantla, and of course... Poza Rica. And the rest in Veracruz, (three zones there), Orizaba, Foreaneos, and Los Tuxtlas, will be of the mission Veracruz.
So. The change won't happen until June or July, but if I stay here four changes, as I did in my last area, I will be part of opening a new mission, with a new mission president and new leaders and lots of new areas opening up. Really nuts! Also, Elder Billings, my MTC comp., is in Teziutlán right now (he got moved to my district when I left) and would also be in the new mission. We're hoping as well that Elder Fullmer and Elder Johnson from the MTC group get changed up here soon so that we all follow in the same mission, but we'll go where the Lord wants us to go I guess!
Then we had some really awesome time to listen to Sister Treviño and a few other speakers, and we were off again for Poza Rica. It was a really interesting day, which headed off a bit of a rough week. We were working hard and praying hard and studying hard and just struggling with finding people and getting accepted, but at the end of the week, there was a really good family night that we did yesterday, and the sister teaching it chose to talk about adversity, and how it helps us learn, develop, and grow into the people and leaders we need to be for God. So, I really liked that and my comp. and I are ready to work our heads off this week. =P
Well, what more can I say? I'm running out of time, but the work is moving forward and I'm loving the mission. Crazy awesome experiences all the time, and we're all excited.
Love you all! Write me letters and stuff!
Elder DeFreese

1. Elder Lyons and I on the bus on the way to Veracruz! Wooh!
2. Elder Wilkinson, the little brother of my good buddy Johnathan Wilkinson from my German class in High School! Wah!? Yeah, he's in my mission. Haha
3. A little view of one side of Poza Rica from the top of a hill by our house.
4. If you can zoom in on the sign I'm pointing at and suddenly understand spanish, you'll see that ''dumping trash is prohibited''. Hahaha

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