Monday, January 7, 2013

Semana Siete

April 1, 2011
Well, I'm finished with week 6 and into my 7th week. Woohoo! Let's start replying to things, shall we?*


Firstly, Jordan. I forgive you for not sending much, I can't imagine what it's like to be as busy as you are right now^^ No but seriously, I remember what it was like in High School at the end of Senior year, esta bien. I'm excited to see what you do with comedy, make sure you keep me updated, brotha!


Braden. Hi.


Moving on... Chiste! Hehe, so I'm glad you're enjoying SC II, Braden, it's super good and I would totally miss it if I didn't have the fulness of the everlasting gospel or whatever^^ You're totally upping my rep in SC though, which is sweet. Sounds like you rule at that game. You've grown how many inches, you say!? Crazy stuff. And I'm glad that you and Jordan have fun times riding in his car. =P


Will! It'd be sweet if you knew German fluently by the time I got back. Work on it, because I want to be bilingual buddies too^^


Adam - Times are sometimes rough on the mish, it's true, but a mission isn't supposed to be easy. If it was, we wouldn't stretch and grow and all that goodness. Gracias por su ejemplo, diligencia, y palabras de consuelo.


p.s. You're nuts if you think indirect object pronouns are fun^^


Mom and Dad - Sorry that you got sick! That's too bad, but I'm glad mom was at least able to enjoy her birthday first. It's funny that you mention the pea story, dad, because I just told my district that story last week as well^^ If you could get Bro. Olson's email address and ask him if he wants my emails forwarded, that'd be nice. I liked hearing from him (he sent a letter thing through No idea what site that is, but it worked^^) and was able to translate his entire letter from Spanish to english with no help. Sure, it was a shortish letter and I'm sure he simplified it for me, but I still felt good^^


Okay, now for everyone. I had an AWESOME TE experience with my companion this last Wednesday night which will probably take up the majority of the remainder of this email**.


So, we're teaching this progressing investigator named Taylor (it's obviously a returned missionary volunteer, but this is good practice for the field) and she is TOUGH. She's the one I've mentioned before that tore us apart in Spanish. Well then last week we taught her in English because she was way too hard in Spanish. Aaand, well to sum up how we did, when we were about to leave last time we were bearing testimony of what we'd taught about God and she said to us, "So you're saying that you know God is a man (referring to body of flesh and bone, creating us in His image, etc.) because a ghost told you?" And, we had no time to recover because then she kinda kicked us out so she could go to bed, she had school in the morning and all that.

So it was rough. This Wednesday as we were about to teach her again I had been thinking of ways all day that we could teach her, and I kept thinking that maybe we should just drop her. But my companion and I prepared anyway and we went. We were both super nervous, but we had to do it. So, we go in and start the appointment thingy.

She is always in character so there isn't any time to get advice from the actual teacher (Sis. Lucero), we just have to go right into things. Well, we asked her how things were, got to know her a little better, and she told us about school. She studies Anthropology, which we knew before and I connected to her with it because I want to study Psychology, which is similar-ish. Anyway, she's telling us about the challenges and how she, being a T.A., had been told recently that she would start teaching class. A class full of her peers. So she was nervous and it was hard but she thinks she did alright and she's both happy and stressed about the opportunity.

Then, she asked us what high school was like for us, because she had to write a paper on the challenges high schoolers go through. So we told her, and mine had a lot to do with the social aspect, not enjoying fake people and not being able to talk to people I didn't know very easily.

After we talked about that for a bit, I said, "Doesn't it seem interesting to you that someone like me, with all my social anxieties (spelling?), would volunteer to go on a two year mission for my church and talk to everyone I can about the church?" To which she replied, "Yeah. I hadn't thought about that. That IS interesting. Why do you do it?"

And thus it was turned to the gospel. We read scriptures and applied them to our and more importantly HER life. Nephi 3:7 was great for her in knowing that she can do hard things. I quoted mom her and told her that we can all do hard things. Told her about that mantra and varied it to say "I can do hard things with the Lord preparing a way".

Anyway, more scriptures, more applications, and I would go more in depth but I'm running low on time. Point is, the spirit completely guided the lesson. She was still her same old difficult character, and had some hard questions, but when I was stumped my companion took over, and vice versa.

About halfway through, as we were again testifying of God after a good scripture about Him, she said, "I think I know that God exists as you say He does. I think He has to be like you say, because I just feel it and I WANT to know like you know."

We were smiling so big when we told her that she could know for herself. We continued with some beautiful scriptures on prayer, Alma 37: 37, and asked her if she would pray to know as we testified of the blessings and that God IS there and LOVES her. She started tearing up here. The actual TE person, who knows the gospel already, started tearing up. It was so powerful. As we ended the lesson, we kneeled down and had her pray a wonderful prayer to her loving Heavenly Father. It was amazing, and it was only a piece of what I will be experiencing in a few short weeks. She went from our least favorite progressing investigator in the TE to our most exciting one. We can't wait to go back and have already scheduled multiple visits for the next two weeks.

I know that the church is true. I feel the burning in my chest that is the Holy Ghost even now, as I think of how she felt it and described it to us. I know that God and Jesus Christ live, love us, and want the best for us. I am so happy to be where I am and to have the great people back home rooting for me that I do. I love you all!

Con Amor,


Elder DeFreese


*Yes, I'm with my companion so much I say "we" when it's unnecessary^^

**I can do math!


p.s. Did sean get my card? Much love! Bye^^

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