Tuesday, January 8, 2013


July 18, 2011

So, I don't have much time this week*, but here we go!

The week was good, I'm here with my companion Elder Porter, who is a really great guy. Elder Sanchez was just here for a short change, which happens in the mission sometimes, you can ask Jason or Sean, but anyway it was great practice speaking lots of Spanish with him. There are, however, advantages to being able to speak a language that nobody around you understands. Don't worry though, we don't say anything mean or whatever, there are just advantages. Like, 'hey, lets contact this lady with the kids!'. If we said that in Spanish, she'd be freaked out before we even talked to her^^
But anyway, the mission is good. I haven't taken many photos this week, and this member accidentally deleted all of my pictures from the month of June when I let her borrow my camera for a second, but that's alright, I just laughed about it. I got the most important pictures back again from Omar, who had taken his pictures of his baptism and marriage for his computer.
Haha but yeah, so I don't even have a picture of me with my new comp, but I'll be sure to get one before next week. Oh wait, yeah I have one, at our baptism of Eduardo, 91 yrs. old.
Well I think I'll focus on that baptism for this week, Eduardo. Haha he is a great guy, and really funny for 91 years old, too. He has a better understanding of... Well, things, than most people of his age. I mean, most people we encounter here that are above 80 are a little bit out of it, but he is completely clear and understands and retains information really well. Especially spiritual information. In fact, he retains the things he learns from the scriptures better than almost any other investigator I've taught.
I don't know if I'd told you, but let's talk about Eduardo's back story...
Well, he has three kids. Two are members, as of about 20 or 30 years back, and almost all of his grandkids have been baptized too. We got him as a reference from his grandson, we went, and we taught him. He accepted things really well, and we were able to teach him with the spirit and testify powerfully enough that he accepted every commitment. We placed a baptismal date, which he accepted happily, and we set up the next appointment.
Well, after teaching him a bit more, we found out from a member who was very shocked when we told him Eduardo would be baptized, that he had talked with a lot of missionaries before us and never accepted anything. He told us that it was a miracle, which we found hard to believe because he'd been accepting absolutely everything without a problem as we'd been teaching to that point. But, we found out from other family members of him and ward members that it's true.
What does this tell us? That there is never a wasted lesson. I've heard that before, but never really thought about it. No matter how hard hearted somebody seems, and how little progress they seem to make, sometimes the person just needs time, and a change of circumstance. We should never give up on an investigator, and never give up hope on the ones that we have to stop visiting. The church is spreading, and chances are that they will have another chance to hear the message in their lives. And most probably, a lot more than one more chance to hear it.
God doesn't just give someone one chance and stop. It is said in the scriptures, (most especially where Nephi is quoting Isaiah) that 'His hand is stretched out still', or that 'His hand is stretched out all the day long'. That means that he never gives up, in fact it is us that give up on him. But he will always continue to send us experiencies, chances, and people, to help us accept his mercy.
I cannot describe the love that I am gaining for my savior out here in this mission, and the love I am gaining for these people. Last week, I was down about contacts never being home, appointments falling through, etc. But one day we were out in the street, and I started looking at peoples faces and trying to analyze them and think how they feel. Although I've always been in the church, I've lived without it. I've felt what these people felt. Sure, I could say I was happy when I was with my friends, or with the family, distracted, but when I was by myself with my thoughts, I knew there was something missing, I felt it. I was lost. When I looked at these peoples faces, I could see that.
Yes, they have families, friends, activities. They are living more or less a happy life, but when it comes down to it and they're alone with their thoughts, they are lost, and they really don't know what to do. That's what we're here for. I've started reaching out of my personal bubble and trying to talk to every person we pass by, because even if 99% of them don't accept what we have to say, that one percent is one person. Someone that feels like I felt once, and how happy will we both be when they accept the message that we bring, accept Jesus Christ as their savior, and save themselves, continuing on with more happiness than they could've thought possible.
I know we as members aren't perfect. We have our sad times too, but that's just circumstance. When it all comes down to it, and we just think about what we've got, we're kind of like the 'little engine that could', or whatever. We know that if we 'just keep moving', we'll get to the top of the hill, the top being the kingdom of celestial glory, with our family, our friends, our loving Lord Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father, who will not only give us rest from our difficulties, but will multiply our happiness beyond imagination.
I love my God and my Savior Jesus Christ, and I testify that they love us and care for us, and are always there to help us, forever.

Man... You can tell I'm on a mission, huh? I kinda got annoyed with my buddy Drew's emails to be honest when I got them forwarded before from his mission (he's in Germany). He was always so spiritual and talking about God and all... I didn't get it until now. Sorry if any of you feel that way, but it's just how things go. I can't help but testify of what I absolutely know to be true and to be of more happiness than anything I can think of.

But anyway... So the week was really good. Haha I don't have much more time. My new companion, Elder Porter, and I get along really well. We have similar opinions and interests, and we both work our tails off to be the best we can. We talk a lot at night too, and we've had some good laughs. The mission is great, the people are awesome, the food continues to be grrriquisima^^
That'll be all for this week though! Love you all,
Elder DeFreese

*How many times have I started an email that way?

Here they are!
1.Eduardo in his nice looking white clothes!
2. Hugging his daughter al terminar el bautismo. It was a really spiritual experience.

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