Monday, January 14, 2013

The Weekly Semana‏

October 29, 2012
Well well well, this week went... Well.

Let's go!

So, firstly I guess I'll mention that my joked prophecy of last week came true! The stuff for our house didn't get there on Monday. Haha nobody called us or anything, and we were sitting in our new but very empty house waiting for an hour or two but, it's all good.
So yeah, then on Tuesday we had our zone conference, which was fun. We were combined with the zones of Martinez de la Torre and Xalapa, and President López gave us all some very good pointers on how to get the work going even better in our zones, districts, and areas. So yeah, that was pretty cool.
Then, as the conference was finishing around 4 or 5 pm, we got a call from a Mexico City number with a brother on the other end telling us that the stuff of the house was going to get there in about an hour. So, everything finished up, we said bye to all of our friends and companions, and ran to the house to wait for the stuff. Then, about 20 minutes later we got a phone call saying that the truck couldn't get down to where we lived and we'd have to go up there to help guide them down another route.
So then, we ran up to where they were and got in the truck to guide them down another way. 
Then what happened was a bit rough, because we (by ''we'' I mean the driver, we don't drive!) barely scratched a tiny bit the mirror of this badly parked guy on a very narrow road, and... Let's just say that the police got there quick as a jiff (what DOES that saying mean anyway?) and hauled us all off to a nice little place to ''talk''. That's where my companion and I just waited for about 2 and a half hours as they got some papers and stuff out and made some deals or something with lawyers and such right there. 
We had to miss a few important appointments, but it was all good once we got out of there and got our new stuff to our house around 10 pm. Then of course we had to set up the bunk bed and other things and clean a bit, and we got to sleep in a bit of a mess but with LOTs of tiredness around 11:15 pm. 
Anyway though, the next day we set up more stuff and got going to work, so it was all good. We found all the people that we had put the baptismal date for Sunday with and we taught them and all that. I don't have much time to go into detail, but we'll say that God had a lot more to do with the teaching than we did.
Then, on Friday we had to talk to Oriana and Suheidy (the two girls that were referrals that we accidentally found last week) with their non-member parents about their baptism on Sunday. They said that it was very fast, which is where we talked about baptism being the gate by which we enter into the correct way, then we talked about the Holy Ghost and the guidance that we all need to have from that very helpful personage. Then, we talked about the challenges that youth go through in these days and how much the Holy Ghost helps to make right decisions and well, the Spirit was strong and their dad signed the baptismal forms and even took interest to learn more.
So yeah, skipping right to Sunday, we had the very long process of a baptism! Wooh! But, as on Saturday we found out, the watering tube thingies had been stolen from the stake center (don't ask me details, I don't get it either) so we didn't have any water with which to fill the font! So then, we planned to do the baptism in my old chapel in Pinal. 
Then, we found out that they didn't have any gas for their boiler because for some reason or other, it wasn't filled as it is every week by some member or employee or something. Anyway, point is that on Sunday the weather was NOT very nice (and still isn't), and we couldn't baptize in cold water. The other detail being that everyone had already made plans and invited family members from far away to attend. So, we made a race to San Juan (my other old area) to get some water heater thingies from there and make the half hour trip back to Pinal to find that the water heater thingies don't work anymore! 
So we had to get some other ones from who knows where, but the Pinal Elders got them. Then we started heating up the water bit by bit and then had to start worrying about the clothing situation. We were combining our baptismal service with Ahuateno (our most recent old area =P), and found that we didn't have enough white clothes for everyone! Oriana, Suheidy, Gloria (the nice old lady from last week), and Elizabeth (don't remember if I told you about her, she's an 11 year old girl who's mom is a member), were getting baptized, along with Ariél and María de los Ángeles (don't remember if I told you about them when we were teaching them in Ahuateno) from the other area! 
So yeah, long story short, after lots of trial and error and a bit of stress, we got it all together and it was a nice service. =D
Moral of the story? MIRACLES HAPPEN, but they AREN'T FREE. Haha
We know we have to work hard against the opposition that Satan puts in our path, but if we trust in God, and not in the arm of flesh, we've got it under control. =)
Anyway though, I think I have to go, I've almost hit the limit here!
I hope you all know that I love you, and I hope that MOM will send this to Jordan in a dear elder for me (I can't do it.), but obviously without the pictures. I want him to win his competition. Haha
Loooove you all,
Elder DeFreese

1. In the zone conference with my old buddy Elder Carmona who was in my last district in Poza Rica. Now he's a zone leader in Martinez de la Torre.
2. Now Elder Vazquez (the comp. I trained) is in my old area in El Pinal! Oh the joy! Haha
3. The combined baptism of Gloria, Oriana, Suheidy, Elizabeth, Ariél, and María de los Ángeles. =D

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