Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cambios, quien sabe que pasa con cambios!‏

August 22, 2011

Yo si sé!
Well let's see, so this week (tomorrow) the cambios come along. Cambios means changes, or transfers. Guess what?
I'm going to Puebla! That's right, I'm going to like the one part of our mission outside of Veracruz the state. I'm going to Teziutlan, we'll see if Jason's friend is familiar with it (and if so, if he'll have any referrals for me). But yeah!
I'm excited, because from what I hear,  it's a lot cooler, super greeeeen everywhere, and there is a ton of fruit  and stuff. Like, walking down the street I can just grab breakfast off a tree. That's what it sounds  like anyway, but we'll see how it really is when I get there. In any case though, I'm excited. I get another American, Elder Lyons. He's  got the same amount of time as Elder Porter, which is now about 16  months in the mission,  but I've now completed 6, sweet!
Speaking of which, apparently it's a tradition that when you complete 6 months, you have to burn a tie. So I did so, and I'll send some pictures, I took a video too though.
Anyway though, so yeah! What else happened this last week... Well, we met a lot of really promising new people and had a lot of investigators in the church, so I'm happy  with the work I've done here. Elder  Porter and Elder  Galán, the Elder coming in my place, will likely help quite a few people to baptism in the following weeks. Including 2 sure baptisms this week, a sure one for next week, and a pretty sure 4 or 5 people for the following. Which is great, and I'm sure I'll be able to help lot's of people where I'm  going too.
But, I just realized something today. We're in the rainy season, and I'm going  to one of the colder places in the mission, AND I'll probably be there through Oct. and December, and I don't have a sweater or anything. Haha, so I'm going to have to buy one I think. I just never thought I'd need one in Mexico, but I hear it probably gets down to the 40's and 50's  here. Brrr! Flippin' cold! Yeah, I'm going to die when I come home to Utah in February with snow on the ground^^
But anyway, life goes well, I've been losing a lot of weight, which I've only been noticing recently, but people have been telling me for a while. I had to say goodbye to the wards yesterday, which stunk because of course that made me center of attention, which I don't like too much. They  just get all gushy and give me all their, ''que le vaya muy, muy, muy bonito, y con exito! Usted ha sido un ejemplo por todos, etc...'' and it's just awkward! I love them and they love me, but yeah, time to go! They even tried to set up a surprise going away party for me tonight, but when they told my comp., he told them we already had an appointment we couldn't cancel. Which is true, I'm just glad he said it and I didn't have to.
And everyone wants me to visit them and say goodbye today. I think next time I leave an area, I just won't tell any of the members^^
But it's all good, I do love them, and I've loved this area. I'll miss all of them, but I will come back and visit someday, (no offense,  but that day will probably be a couple months after being home to Utah, I believe I'll get bored^^) so it'll all be well.
Hum hum hum... What else?
Well, yeah I guess that's about all. The week has been great, a little challenging at times, but I keep going forward with a smile and determination, and of course the Lord on my side. Which is pretty powerful stuff, by the way. I wanted to write lots of you letters today, especially those of you with birthdays in September, you know who you are, and I wanted to write Braden last week, but time is just very very short for us. I'll try to write some people next week though.
But yeah, for now...
Happy Birthday, Braden! Congrats on being able to drive! (p.s., that's nuts to think about)
Aaaand yeah! Congrats on all the new babies, trips, job changes, and whatever else. I  try not to miss commenting on everything, but inevitably I will, so just know that I love you all. Here are some pictures for ya!
Elder DeFreese

1. Fiiire! I...Have made fire! Remember? Castaway? Heh...
2. Can somebody say materials? Haha we ordered a tooon this last week.
3. Mondongo. Cow stomach. Let's just say it tasted and felt like I was eating a wet towel with jalepeños.  =)
4. La Loca! Okay, this is a giant Empenada for 25 pesos (about 2 dollars) from this place next to our house that has: Cheese, chicken, avocado, lettuce, cream, more cheese, and sauce. Sooo good.
5. All these kids from this family we brought to church, little investigators, all reading their Book of Mormon during sacrament meeting.  I snuck a picture.
6. Elder Porter helping them sing a  sacrament hymn.

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